Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Things We Learn from SpongeBob

There are so many valuable lessons we can learn by watching the entire Season 2 DVD of SpongeBob Squarepants. And in order to fully realize the value of the lessons it should be watched in sequence from beginning to end in just one sitting.  Ok, you can take a potty break, but not a long one.

1.)  Timeliness is important in the work environment
2.)  Consistancy at boating school is necessary
3.)  Pet care is a big responsibility, especially if your pet is a snail
4.)  Being loyal to your mentally challenged friends is the key to happiness
5.)  Never, ever shave a squirrel when she is hiberating

Feel free to add additional lessons that you or someone you love has learned as well :)


  1. Ha ha! We love SpongeBob, too. "Cleanliness is next to Manager-liness!" and making fun of your friends is never cool, even if everyone else is laughing.

  2. It's ok to have some fun and be silly. Even if you're a "man".

    I guess I cheated because this is from the movie.
